9th Grade English Outline


9th Grade English

9th Grade English 2007-2008

Mr. Frenchie D. Goodman                           Photo preview image

Course Description            The focus of this class can be summed up into two categories, writing and reading. Establishing a firm foundation for proper grammar and demonstrating the appropriate mechanics in writing and speaking will be of prime concern. A variety of literature will be used that spans across the genres in hopes to instill a love of reading and a true understanding of the literature available today. Also, weekly vocabulary and grammar lessons will help broaden your skills and educate you for the future that lies ahead.     

 ObjectivesUpon completion of this course, you should be able to:

·         Use the elements of good writing

·         Understand writing as a process

·         Connect literature to life and the “real” world

·         Evaluate grade level or higher literature thoughtfully

·         Recognize and demonstrate an understanding of revision

·         Respond to others’ work orally and in writing

·         Expand vocabulary through reading, root word work, and context clues

·         Use proper grammar and mechanics in writing and speaking

·         Write to a variety of audiences and purposes

·         Critique literature independently           


·         One three-ring binder

·         Lined Paper

·         Pens (blue or black, preferably erasable)

 Grades          Grades are assigned based on tests, projects and writing, reading requirements, quizzes, homework and class work, and class involvement. Assignments are graded based on difficulty level as well as expected time involved. For example a five question quiz may be worth 20 points, whereas an extensive research report may be worth 200 points. This is important to remember! You can use this grading system to your advantage, or it can severely hurt you when report cards come out.            All work must be turned in on the due date! However, for those emergency instances when work is turned in late your grade will suffer. Work turned in one day late will have 50% taken off of the final grade. Work turned in two days late will have 75% taken off of the final grade. Three or more days late on work equals an automatic 0%. There will be some assignments that late work will not be accepted at all and you will be notified of it at the time the assignment is given out.  

Class Percentage EarnedGrade Given on Report Card
100%-90%A+, A, A-
89%-80%B+, B, B-
79%-70%C+, C, C-
69%-60%D+, D, D-
59%-LowerF, results in failing the class L

 Behavioral Expectations          RESPECT-The golden rule. Treat others as you want to be treated. Your rights end where someone else’s rights begin. Simply put, I expect my students to respect themselves, others, myself and other staff members, and the classroom as a learning environment. The great thing about respect is the more you give, the more you earn! J            No food or drink in class!             No headphones in class. Be prepared to begin class when the bell rings. Prepared means seated in your desk with your supplies. A tardy will be issues to those who are not prepared when the bell rings 

Conferences and Teacher Contact Information          I encourage you to meet with me outside of class when you need help. There may also be instances when I insist on conference time. I will be available during my prep hour, which is 2nd period, or after school.